Thursday, March 11, 2010

According to the Academy's explanation as to why they intentionally left out Farrah Fawcett from the "Memorial" montage, Farrah was better known for her "remarkable television work," and should thus be honored by the TV industry at the Emmy Awards. Another explanation: "In every category, you're going to miss some wonderful people." BULLSHIT! Yes people, I'm still reeling over the blatant omission of Farrah during the Academy's "Memorial" montage during the Oscars!
As a general rule, I rarely watch the Oscars. Like the Grammys, the Oscars tend to be too political. Recently, though, I decided to fill three hours of my life watching the awards show, as well as the lame jokes and dance numbers. Not the best way to spend my time, I must admit. Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin were not entertaining and the dance routine...oh my gosh...the dance routine...what was that?! Going foward, the Academy should simply scrap the entertainment's not entertaining.
To be honest, the only redeeming aspects of these awards shows is the fact that they still take the time to honor the people who work behind the scenes: the graphic designers, the animators, the wardrobe specialists, the make-up artists, the cinematographers, the sound mixers, the editors, etc. They deserve the recognition.
So...the one and only genuine aspect left in the Oscars, in my opinion, is the "Memorial" montage...until this year's presentation. This is the portion of the show when we look back and remember those film legends we have lost in the last year, and we either say "awww" or "who the hell is that?" I said before...until this year's presentation. The Academy decided to take a crap on any shred of respect I had left for them.
So...if I sound pissed off, it's because I am!!!! Please indulge me as I dissect the Academy's explanation for leaving Farrah out of the tribute. The Academy claims that she was better known for television work. Yes, she did a lot of television work. This explanation seems to suggest she didn't do anything else. Idiots!!!! Farrah starred in a number of films: LOGAN'S RUN (1976), which was nominated for 2 Oscars; SOMEBODY KILLED HER HUSBAND (1978), starred w/Jeff Bridges; SUNBURN (1980), starred w/Charles Grodin; SATURN 3 (1980), starred w/Kirk Douglas and Harvey Keitel; THE CANNONBALL RUN (1981), starred w/Burt Reynolds, Roger Moore, Dom DeLuise, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr., Peter Fonda, and Adrienne Barbeau; EXTREMITIES (1986), Farrah was nominated for a Golden Globe for Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture-Drama; SEE YOU IN THE MORNING (1989), starred w/Jeff Bridges and Drew Barrymore; MAN OF THE HOUSE (1995), starred w/Chevy Chase; THE APOSTLE (1997), written and directed by Robert Duvall, Farrah was nominated for an Independent Spirit Award for Best Supporting Female, starred w/Robert Duvall, Billy Bob Thornton, June Carter Cash, and Miranda Richardson; THE LOVEMASTER (1997), starred w/George Wendt; DR T AND THE WOMEN (2000), starred w/Richard Gere, Helen Hunt, Laura Dern, Shelley Long, Kate Hudson, and Liv Tyler; THE COOKOUT (2004), written by Queen Latifah.
There you have it. Farrah made more than one motion picture, EXTREMITIES and THE APOSTLE included her most powerful performances. Therefore, she deserved to be a part of the tribute.
In addition to her filmography, Farrah was a member of the Academy...for 40 years!!!! Did her membership mean nothing?!?!
But no....the Academy found it necessary to pander to the Michael Jackson family by including him in the montage. Michael?! Really?!
A friend of mine recently posted a comment on her Facebook wall: "They [the Academy] included Michael Jackson (made 1 movie but not a member of the Academy) but left out Farrah, and she WAS a member of the Academy. It was bad enough she died on the same day as MJ, and that his death overshadowed hers. She hurt no one and never got herself in any mess where her character came into question. I remembered why I had stopped watching awards shows..." Great posting. Jackson starred in "The Wiz" and yeah...yeah...the song "Ben" won an Oscar, but that's only two movies. And before any Wacko Jacko fans get their panties in a wad, I'm not saying he shouldn't have been included, but the fact that they chose to include him and not Farrah is a travesty! I really appreciated my friend's posting when she wrote: "She [Farrah] hurt no one and never got herself in any mess where her character came into question." Character? Oh, you mean the pedophilia? Let's just call a spade a spade. Remember folks, "not guilty" does not mean "innocent." We learned that fact from the infamous, no good, low-class, scum-of-the-earth O.J. Simpson. But....this isn't about's about how the Academy left out Farrah. And if time was the issue, then leave out the lame entertainment! The show had long enough pauses on full screen of people who I had never heard of and I had time to read what they were (i.e. sound man, script writer, director), but everyone else had flash pics on four small screens at once. I barely saw Paul Newman in an upper corner flash bye. They paused on Michael on full screen and didn't indicate what he was (i.e. actor). I guess the Academy didn't consider him an "actor" (and he wasn't) but they still included him in the montage on a full screen. Go figure. It's equally interesting that the Academy claims Farrah was known more for her television work so she should be recognized at the Emmys. Using that same logic, Michael was known more for his musical achievements, so shouldn't the Academy leave his recognition and tribute to the Grammys? Tsk, tsk, tsk! The Academy can kiss my ass! I shall never ever watch another Academy Awards show. I don't care if Madonna is scheduled to perform an Oscar-winning song from a motion picture soundtrack, I will remember the 2010 Academy Awards and refuse to tune in.



First of all, thanks for including my quote (verbatim) as I wrote in on my FB wall. I was so pissed off when the Academy left off Farrah as well. I clearly remember us asking one another...'did they leave out Farrah or did we not see her photo?'...'surely they (academy) would not leave her off, after all, they did include Michael'. Again, it was this AH of an entertainer who took the limelight away from our beloved Farrah. Enough already. That MJ should be of no importance here and the fact that his name was mentioned on the AA memorial tribute and that you and I have had to recite his name at all just makes me livid. MJ is "persona non grata" in my book. I have had a bad dislking of him dating back to 1995. I wish my family realized that fact, but all seem to think that I still like that boy. And for sure, no one encouraged me to stop liking MJ. I reached that conclusion all on my very own even before I knew you. Anyway, I liked everything you said about the Academy and all the bullcrap surrounding their reasons for doing the things they do. I also have pledged to never watch Oscar and his wanna be owners anymore!

Sara said...

Yeah, your family doesn't seem to appreciate the fact that you are not a follower of MJ (since '95 I might add). But it doesn't help your cause when you express the desire to watch "This Is It." Just sayin'....


I have never - not once - told my family that I want to see that MJ movie/docudrama. I say it to you and only to you just to get a rise out of you which seems to be an easy thing to do here lately. I no more want to see "This Is It" than you want to see "Dune" or "This Is It". Get your facts straight, Ms. Ornelas, afore yee start with your put-downs and slanderous accusations of what this reader wishes to do (or not to do). Since this reply is coming your way on St Patrick's Day, let me just end with...'Top o the mornin to ya'. Ms. Carey
P.S. did you not read my blog in which I totally blasted the likes of MJ?!!! I strongly suggest you do.

Sara said...

But alas, I do have my facts in check. I specifically recall the time when your sis E asked us about the documentary because she assumed we had already watched it. And I said I had no desire and that I wasn't a fan. And you said you didn't follow him anymore but that you would like to watch it. And that was the end of it. But this discussion is neither here nor there. It's trivial. Let's just let sleeping dogs lie. I really do appreciate the comments though. I always appreciate a great debate. I wish more people participated though.