Sunday, March 7, 2010

About the Oscar Buss

Because I was on my soapbox, I forgot to mention the Oscars. This year, there's not much to say. In all fairness, I haven't seen all the nominees for Best Picture. I have seen "Up" and it was boring. The film had a great beginning, but the balloons that carried him away were cheesy. What a tragic turn-of-events for a picture that could have been great.
I liked "District 9" but not enough to give it an Oscar nod much less the Oscar.
I saw "Inglourious Basterds." Normally, I love anything Tarantino touches, but this flick was less than stellar. Let's put it this way: I fell asleep. It was nothing like "Pulp Fiction" or "Kill Bill."
I saw "The Hurt Locker" last night, but the indie warfare movie didn't move mountains. It was okay, but not Oscar-caliber.
And as much as I enjoyed "The Blind Side," I don't think it deserved an Oscar nod either. To be sure, the movie was inspiring and you came away feeling happy about the ending. I like Sandra Bullock, too, and her performance was good but not powerful enough for an Oscar. Her performance in the movie where she played a recovering alcoholic was a strong performance and deserved an Oscar nod.
I haven't watched the other nominations for Best Picture, so I really can't say which one should deserve the Oscar. I will say this though: I am really looking forward to renting "Precious" when it premieres on DVD this Tuesday. I had wanted to see it at the theater, but unfortunately, didn't get to make it.
I guess whoever wins the Oscar wins it. I have no favorites.

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