Monday, March 1, 2010

Marching Into March

New month!!!! And first thing's first...birthday shout-outs go to:
Rudy Gamboa, our nephew, on the 5th
Rudolfo "Rudy" Dominguez, Jr., Dora's brother, on the 9th.

I have changed the background to my blog to reflect Women's History Month. Purple was one of the colors the suffragists chose during the time they were campaigning for woman's suffrage. I'm hoping we make a trip to Sweetwater, Texas. I have been wanting to see the National WASP World War II Museum. [WASP = Women's Airforce Service Pilots] During World War II, a select group of young women pilots, WASPs as they became known, became the first women in history trained to fly American military aircraft. The other place I'd love to go see is The Women's Museum in Dallas, Texas.

The winter olympic games have concluded...YES...FINALLY. They can be a real pain-in-the-royal-ass! "Oh come on," you say. "The games promote good sportsmanship on an international level." Really, do they...REALLY?! Hmm, I don't see it that way. But if I'm asked what could be done to improve the winter games...let's see.

1. Please...there's no need for both luge and skeleton (or, frankly, either of them), which are just mirror images of each other. If we're going to continue having these events, we may as well double every sport by having them all run backwards?

2. Get rid of the 4-man bobsled and 2-man luge. What does 4-man bobsled prove that 2-man bobsled doesn't? And what does 2-man luge prove that regular luge doesn't? Those events are redundant!

3. Curling is not a sport, it's a joke. Olympic sports should at least require a participant to be an athlete of some sort. Curling doesn't even approach that lowest of benchmarks. It should be removed.

4. How about an avalanche event, where individuals and teams try to dig out after a massive snow collapse before they get smothered?!?!

The main reason the winter games will never have the same appeal as the summer games for me is the fact that the winter games have too much judgment, which is open to bias--figure skating, ice dancing, aerials, ect.

Glad it's all finally over.

1 comment:

dora carey said...

as always, you make me laugh. you are either too cynical or you have little tolerance to sports you know little about, my friend. first, skeleton and luge are not the same. ask the ppl riding on the half-lube track if they agree with you or me and i believe that i will win. i think skeleton takes guts. have your really taken time to see this event? going face first while on your belly at 90 miles an hour takes guts. whether you agree it is a sport or interesting is your prerogative. 1 man luge or 2 man luge or bobsled (2 man or 4) are not one of my fav winter game events, but i won't dog their ability, efforts or the guts which it clearly takes to partake in these events. ice figure dancing can be boring to some, but most love it. i love to see it and forgive me for saying that i esp like to see it when a fellow American is vying closely for a medal. curling may indeed not be a sport thus the people who are on the teams may not be athletes, but it is a fun and interesting event to watch. i first thought it boring, but then i learned the rules and i was hooked and have been a fan for the past 8 years. i do admit that i was not as avid a watcher this olympics because the American teams (men and women) sucked. my bad - or not! my prerogative! i did follow hockey even though each respective U.S. team disappointed me to no avail in the end and conceded American bragging rights for another 4 long years to our neighbors in the north. the american women did not score in their bid for gold versus the canadian (drunken hooligans) women and that fact in itself was shameful. in the mens' gold medal game, our u.s. team made a great last second goal to tie the game and force it into overtime which clearly gave us the momentum with which to win; however, they lost their concentration and screwed up by allowing the canadians to score on them the winning goal. argh!!! apolo ohno was the lone olympian who kept me glued to the tele each time he competed. his one DQ was totally wrong and made me realize that this year's events were much more jaded than most in previous years - at least for me it was as so. i still watched when i could, and i would never cut down any sports, athletes, teams, or anyone's reason for watching. in the end, maybe i narrow my reasons for watching (in torment or not) to patriotism - maybe to boredom - maybe it was just my own stupidity. whatever it was, i enjoyed the games more then not, but do look forward to the summer games in London 2012. Sochi, RU winter games 2014...maybe not so much. before i close, besides ohno being one of my fav athletes and reasons for watching, i would like to thank these other olympians for making the games bearable for me this year: evan lysacek, lindsey vonn, shaun white, steven holcomb, justin olsen, steve mesler, curtis tomasevicz, julia mancuso, katherine reutter, joannie rochette, chad hedrick, brian hansen and jonathan kuck. i also thank the new winter event of cross ski for making the games... entertaining at best. sincerely, Dora Carey