Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Fire the parents!!

I just have to include the following video clip from HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher." To conclude his show, he includes a "New Rules" list and the final "new rule" gets an explanation. This past Friday, he alluded to the termination of several Rhode Island teachers, an action supported by Obama. I have no doubt that there exists a few rotten apples in the teaching profession. I have never denied that fact. But it irks me when people place ALL of the responsibility of on teachers. People: ACADEMIC SUCCESS BEGINS AT HOME!!!! At the risk of sounding pessimistic, I don't think this country will ever fix the problem with education. We have dug our own hole and can't seem to dig ourselves out of it. The more we try to get out, the deeper the hole gets. How do we fix it? Everyone claims it's the lack of funding. Sure it is. I certainly don't like it when people suggest cutting it from teachers' salaries or complaining that teachers have just gotten a raise. I support teachers getting raises. In fact, teachers do not get paid what they're worth when compared to other professionals with bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. Listen to the clip....Bill tells it like it is!!!

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