Sunday, March 7, 2010

The D***head Comment & Oscar Buzz

Recently, the term "dickhead" was given to a person who supported Obama's decision in giving a small raise to the men and women of the military...the smallest raise in years. The term was given to her by a Marine. I know, I know...consider the source. But what do we expect from living in a country where, if you're not for the establishment (in this case the military), you're not only unpatriotic, you're a Communist. Anyone who knows me knows that I am not exactly what you would call "pro-military" by any stretch. Does that mean I hate the military? No, it does not. I just have a real problem when the military decides to display their blind patriotism and obnoxious arrogance, all the while telling the country that we owe them, we owe them, WE OWE THEM, we owe THEM. They're always harping that they get no respect. Oh yeah?! What about the gays and lesbians who serve in the military under the DADT rule? What about the fact that they cannot serve openly because this freakin' country is not ready to accept them even though they lay their lives on the line as well or better than the heteros? What about that? But what the service men and women do is not anymore special than what regular Americans do everyday. We keep the country going on a daily basis. We do our part. Perhaps if the military were more "dovish" and less "hawkish," my perspective would change. Perhaps if the military's top brass were less bigoted and more accepting of gays and lesbians serving openly in the military, my perspective would change. Until then, I will share the following poem I wrote in 2003 (keep in mind I wrote it during the Bush regime):

"Wanted: Followers!"

If you want to see urban warfare,
the sight of homes turned to rubble,
or the smell of burned flesh,
or the sound of a mother wailing among the debris,
searching for her missing child,
the pain of seeing your buddy die because you couldn't seal off his sucking chest wound,
experience the shock associated with having to fire on a civilian vehicle that would not stop for a checkpoint,
or seeing two women, an old man, and a child lying dead along the road,
the sight of those lying face down,
men, women, and children in the dust,
in some village with no name,
all the while thinking "was it an air strike that took them out, or was it me?"
(Not knowing will be the only salvation).
Forgiveness is what you'll be after,
Good 'ol Uncle Sammy will tell you that "the collateral damage is regrettable, but forgivable."

The requirements for this job?
Put your life on hold,
and that includes the life of your family.
You will not belong to your family,
not even yourself.
You will not be allowed to have a mind of your own,
as you will be compensated for following orders only,
even if they go against your principles.
The pay is mediocre but the benefits might be worth it if good 'ol Uncle Sammy remembers your name.

Still wanna be one of "the few, the proud..."?
Still wanna be "all that you can be"?
Still wanna "aim high"?
After all, "it's not just a job, it's an adventure."

Then dial 1-800-SCREW-ME.

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