Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A Small Request

A Texas Republican yelled "baby killer" inside the House chamber as a Democrat spoke Sunday night, although he claims he yelled "it's a baby killer." Whatever. Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-Missouri) was spat on by a protester while walking to the Capitol on Saturday. Another protester yelled a racial epithet at Rep. John Lewis (D-Georgia). Rep. James Clyburn (D-South Carolina) has been subject to racist mail, including an anonymous fax sent to his S.C. office, addressed to "James the Slimy N***** Clyburn" and with a drawing of a hangman's noose. A Republican candidate for Governor of New York compared the passage of health care reform to the attacks of 9/11. And Sarah Palin is encouraging her followers to reload and she has provided a list of Democratic targets.
In light of these events, my request is simple. Can someone--ANYONE--please bitch-slap Sarah Palin and any other Republicans? Trust me, the act is warranted. To borrow a line from the movie First Knight, "They have been weighed, they have been measured, and they have been found wanting."



Bravo, Sara. Another awesome post! I totally agree with everything you said. Since Sarah Palin is also a persona non grata in my book, and I do not wish to get into trouble for being disruptive or violent (clearly atributes shared and implemented amoungst our Repbublican counterparts)...consider Sarah P. bitch-slapped - metaphorically speaking, of course. Viva Hillary Clinton!!!

Sara said...

Yes, indeed!