Sunday, October 3, 2010


Another anniversary of my birth...I'm getting older, but am I getting wiser?  I'd like to think so.  And what would I like for my birthday.  You can't go wrong with great reading material.  And, as you see on my blog, I do include an Amazon widget for those of you who are stumped about what to get for me.  Anyone who knows me knows I always appreciate a good the books featured to the left of this post.  The Moral Landscape is Sam Harris' latest book.  The End Of Faith is an older book, which argues science has a universal moral code and there's no need for religion.  

What else would I like for my day?  Super-strength duct tape would be nice...and brown paper bags.  What? you ask.  It's simple really!  I want the duct tape to cover the mouths of certain people--Christine O'Donnell, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, everyone at Fox Wanna-be-News, and the Tea Baggers, as well as every extremist "bible-thumper" who feels compelled to shove their religious propaganda down our throats.  The brown paper bags?  To cover their heads!!! 

So far, my day has been peachy!

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