Sunday, August 15, 2010

Happy 52nd To "Little Nonni" or "Esther!"

Yes, people, it is that time of year again...a holiday in our household--the lady (and she IS a lady) from Bay City, Michigan is turning 52 on Monday, August 16th!  52?!?!  Yes, dudes and dudettes, fifty-fuckin'-two and she looks younger than me!  I wonder, will I look that good when I turn 52?  Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MADONNA!  If only you knew how much your music has meant to me all these years.  If only you knew how you helped me through the growing pains as a teenager trying to find myself.  If only you knew how you helped me through the rough spots as a young adult trying to find my place in this dog-eat-dog world (and everyone's wearing milk-bone underwear).  If only you knew how much I admire your talent, your zeal for life, your determination, your desire to make the world a much better place, your dedication to the causes you champion, your refusal to compromise your artistic expression, and your knack for pushing the right buttons at the right moments (even in the face of harsh criticism).  I remember when Madonna first became famous and a picture she had taken for a Playboy shoot surfaced in the media.  Hah, the media thought they had her cornered!  What was Madonna's response to the pics?  "So what!"  And that, as Paul Harvey used to say, was the end of the story.  By the way, those pics were legit.  She had posed for Playboy because she needed money (this was before she became famous and was living in a slum, bathing from her kitchen sink, and living off of tuna and popcorn).  THAT WAS THEN!!!  If Madonna wants to eat tuna and popcorn now, she can eat it because SHE CAN...not because she HAS TO!  Her legacy?  She has sold more than 300 million records worldwide and is ranked by the RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America) as the best-selling female rock artist of the 20th century, and the second top-selling female artist in the U.S. (behind Barbra Streisand).  She was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in her first year of eligibility (2008).  In 2006, a new water bear species, Echiniscus madonnae, was named after her.  She's also described as "America's smartest businesswoman...who has moved to the top of her industry and stayed there by constantly reinventing herself."
Madonna celebrated her birthday last night in London with a party at the Shoreditch House, which is a private members' club.  She included her 24-year-old boyfriend, model Jesus Luz.  Lourdes arrived with four of her school chums.  Madonna's son, Rocco, turned 10 last Wednesday.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MADONNA!!!!! Picture below:  Madonna and Lola arriving at Madonna's birthday bash in London.....

{Just an endnote to the names "Little Nonni" and "Esther" included in the title of this posting.  Madonna's mother's name was Madonna as well.  "Little Nonni" was a nickname given to Madonna to distinguish her from her mother.  "Esther" is her Kabbalah name.}

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