Thursday, August 5, 2010

Whatcha Gonna Do?

Okay...okay...I know I have been extremely lax in maintaining my blog.  Sue me...but you won't get much!  Anyway, allow me to finally make it official.  The job search is over!  Yes, I was offered a job with The Home Depot (THD to those of us in "orange") working on the Merchandising Execution Team as a Merchandising Execution Associate.  It offers an excellent work schedule, benefits, and pay.  Merchandising is a field I have enjoyed being a part of for the past eleven years.  At the risk of sounding a bit cocky, merchandising is something I am most familiar with and have a gift say the least.
But (and there's always a but, isn't there?), I have yet to find my dream job.  This statement in no way, shape, or form implies that I hate my new job--quite the contrary.  But my dream job is out there...still.  I looked for it after graduating from grad school with no success.  My dream job?  Teaching history at a community college.  I am extremely passionate about higher education and I love history.  I wanted to make a positive difference and still do.  I did get formally invited by the Selection Committee of Austin Community College in February 2010 for a FT history faculty position.  I was interviewed for about thirty minutes.  Then, I presented a 20-minute teaching demonstration on the Progressive Era.  They both went rather well, but (and there's always a but), the position was offered to the other candidate and the lucky candidate accepted.  Most recently (in June), I was called for an interview with Midland College for the Associate Registrar's position.  The initial interview went well as I was called back for a second interview.  I was introduced to the staff in the Registrar's office, Admissions, Financial Aid, Student Services, and Academic Advising.  Then, I was taken to lunch by the VP of Student Services, the Dean of Enrollment Management, and the Registrar.  At this point, I honestly thought I had nailed the position.  Two weeks later, I get a phone call from the Registrar informing me that the position was offered to the other candidate and the offer was accepted.  I was devastated.  I was rejected by my alma mater!  I was floored.  It took two days to get over the shock and sadness I felt.  And speaking of alma maters, in 2009, UTPB called me for an interview for the position of Admissions Counselor.  I was rejected by them, too.  At this point, you can venture to say that I had developed a complex.  Both of my alma maters did not want to give "one of their own" a fighting chance to demonstrate their talents and potential.  To add insult to injury, MC sent me a formal letter (on MC letterhead) two weeks AFTER the over-the-phone-rejection to inform me that, although my "experience and credentials are impressive," they decided on another candidate.  More recently, (a week ago in fact), I received a letter from UTPB asking me...ME!...for a DONATION to their scholarship fund for their new Mechanical Engineering program.  The first words uttered from my mouth were:  ARE YOU FUCKIN' KIDDING ME?!?!  UTPB won't offer me a job, but they're asking me for my money?!  I don't expect a faculty position, but they won't even offer me a staff position!  So there you have a damn nutshell.  Don't get the wrong impression folks, I like my job at THD and it's a great opportunity because there is plenty of opportunity for career growth.  And I don't think my education is a complete waste AT ALL!  I know many young people are jaded by today's economy and often wonder if an education is worth the hassle.  Granted, I am not teaching history at some community college, but I am proud of having reached my personal goals--goals that had been on my "bucket list" since graduating from high school.  And I did it thanks to those around me who supported me.  And trust me, being able to say "I did it!" does wonders for your psyche!  One thing is clear:  The tassle is worth the hassle!  So whatcha gonna do?

KUDOS to Mayor Bloomberg (NYC) for defending Islam's right to build a center near Ground Zero!  Those who oppose the building  are nothing more than bigots.

KUDOS to the federal judge (Vaughn Walker) for striking down California's ban on same-sex marriage.  Whatcha gonna do now Obama since this court decision poses a formidable threat to your strategy of relegating divisive social issues to the back burner.  Yeah, yeah, Obama was opposed to Prop 8 and he made his opposition clear on many occasions.  What hasn't been clear is how he squares his position for equality with his REFUSAL to embrace ACTUAL equality in marriage.  Evan Wolfson of Freedom To Marry said it best in The New York Times:  "That's [Obama's refusal to embrace same-sex marriage] an unsatisfying position that does nothing but frustrate those of us who look to him as the champion he promised to be...He's not gaining anything, and Judge Walker just made that crystal clear."  Obama's spokesman, Ben LaBolt, said Obama "has spoken out in opposition to Proposition 8 because it is divisive and discriminatory.  He will continue to promote equality for LGBT Americans."  Really Obama?  Equality?  REALLY?  DO YOU?  WILL YOU?  I challenge you to put your money where your mouth is Mr. President.  Granted, my Bill (Clinton) signed the Defense of Marriage Act into law, but he has now called for overturning it, and supports freedom to marry, joined by people like Cindy McCain and Laura Bush.  Yes, folks, Cindy McCain and Laura're not seeing things!  You read the posting correctly.  I ask, once again, Mr. President, WHATCHA GONNA DO?

1 comment:

Darenda said...

Sara, I am so happy to hear that you have found a job. That will be my next step as well. Don't get discouraged about not finding your dream job. Many of the people I graduated with or who graduated a semester before me are not doing anything related to their major and they are frustrated. This worries me, because I have virtually no experience as a stay-at-home mom. I have no doubt you will find your dream job. You are passionate about your discipline and I know that comes through in your interviews. Keep striving and you will get what you want.