Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Preparation is key!

Just a FIFA World Cup update:  The team I'm supporting (South Africa) is not doing too well, but they're not doing badly either.  They're in Group A with 4 points (same as Mexico, who's in the same group).  Uruguay leads our group with 7 points.  France is at the bottom of the group.  Argentina leads Group B with 6 points.  Slovenia leads Group C with 4.  Ghana leads Group D with 4.  Netherlands leads Group E with 6.  Paraguay leads Group F with 4.  Brazil leads Group G with 6.  Chile leads Group H with 6.  It's been an interesting tournament.  D keeps up with it better than I do, as she has been a fan of World Cup play far longer than I have.  She's been reading Dr. Catsam's Foreign Policy Association blog since he is lucky enough to be in South Africa for the tournament.  And in case you didn't know, Dr. Catsam is my former professor from grad school and is the husband of our very good friend, Ana (a.k.a. Dr. Martinez-Catsam...also a former professor/advisor of mine).  Needless to say, he is having a great time across the pond.

Today, I am preparing for tomorrow evening--D's birthday dinner.  It's not a big shindig--just a quiet, intimate dinner with a few people.  Her sister will be helping me with it, which is generous.  D will be 44 years young...the big double four.  Hopefully, everything will work out nicely.  I'm sure it will since I'm preparing for it.  Preparation is key!

I would really like to have a big bash for her 45th birthday, but we shall see.  

Maybe I can get Raider Red to come to the dinner tomorrow!  Damn, if only I had prepared more in advance, Raider Red could have come down from Lubbock to eat vittles with us.  Yeah right!


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