Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Anymore...when I tune in to the news, I get sick to my stomach and I just want to scream!  First of all, let me begin with topic #1 of 2:  I heard the following remark..."I deeply regret my comments I made last week regarding the Israelis and the Palestinians.  They do not reflect my heart-felt belief that peace will come to the Middle East only when all parties recognize the need for mutual respect and tolerance.  May that day come soon."  This remark was made by Helen Thomas, who received much criticism for her comment earlier about Jews going back to Poland, Germany, ect.  First of all, I believe her comment was NOT anti-Semitic.  Who among us does not have strong feelings about the endless warfare in the Middle East?  Personally, I agree with her!  And I don't think she should have apologized for expressing her opinion.  Besides, the rabbi who asked Helen the question knew exactly what he was doing and what to expect for a response.  The purpose of this story is to make everyone forget about what Israel did to the ships trying to provide humanitarian aid to the Palestinians.  The rabbi and the rest of the press controlled by the Jewish lobby swiftly and effectively killed the story.  DOES ANYONE REMEMBER THE SHIP AND THE PEOPLE WHO DIED TRYING TO PROVIDE HUMANITARIAN AID TO THE PALESTINIANS?  DOES ANYONE REMEMBER THAT THE PALESTINIANS ARE TRAPPED IN A GHETTO BY THE ISRAELIS?  Ms. Thomas' comments are her honest opinion and what she said was not out of line.  Granted, the Palestinians have blood on their hands, but my point is this:  WHY IS THERE NOT MORE OUTRAGE AGAINST THE LOSS OF LIVES PERPETRATED BY ISRAEL?  WHY IS THERE SO MUCH OUTRAGE FOR SPEAKING HONESTLY?  WHAT ISRAEL IS DOING IS NOT ONLY OFFENSIVE, IT'S REPREHENSIBLE.  ISRAEL IS THE PROBLEM.  NOT MS. THOMAS. 
What is WRONG with us?  When are we going to become independent of Israel?  When is the U.S. going to stop being Israel's bitch?  How has this little nation managed to hijack our foreign policy?  When are we going to grow a pair?  Israel has become America's tapeworm--it habitually spies on us, has killed Americans, siphons billions of dollars in aid from us, spits in our faces, has attacked our navy (remember the USS Liberty?) and its admirers keep harping that Israel is our friend...oh how sweet.  Give me a damn break!  To my family and friends, if you have any doubts that Israel controls our country, either directly or indirectly, I challenge you to find a magazine article, newspaper article, a Hollywood film, or TV news item that condemns Israel, or takes a compassionate view of the Palestinian victims. 
Think about it, Helen Thomas makes a point.  I, in no way, shape, or form, have anything against Jewish people, but the fact is that Israel was created at the expense of the Palestinians, who had been living in the territory for hundreds of years.  Put yourself in the shoes of a Palestinian.  If someone showed up at your house and tells you that 2000 years ago, this house and the land it sits on, belonged to their ancestors.  They ask you to take your belongings and leave the house and land with no compensation and no right to dispute these claims in court.  And their strongest evidence of their claim is that they have a book they consider "holy" that tells them to expel you from your house.  How would you react?  Would you agree to simply leave your house and your land?  I think not!
Moreover, Israel has not negotiated with the Palestinians in good faith, i.e. the continued building of new settlements; the new building taking place in Jerusalem in the portion where the Palestinians should have their capitol as part of a "two State solution"; the fact that Israel is the one who did not live up to the last truce agreement but instead invaded Gaza on a trumped up excuse; the fact that Israel is starving the people of Gaza with the blockade.  The U.S. should cut off all aid to Israel until it negotiates in good faith for a two-State solution.  I support Ms. Thomas and it's sad to see such a tour de force retire. 

Final topic:  the oil spill in the makes me sick!  I saw a clip of the Matt Lauer interview with President Obama.  Matt asked him (in so many words) why he didn't drop the calm, cool, collected attitude and just kick ass.  Obama's response?  "A month ago, I was meeting with fishermen down there, standing in the rain, talking about what a potential crisis this could be.  And I don't sit around just talking to experts because this is a college seminar.  We talk to these folks because they potentially have the best answers, so I know whose ass to kick."  Big talk from the guy who had to be told it might not be a good idea to go partying for the Memorial Day weekend in Chicago instead of visiting the Gulf.  Guess what Renegade?  Your response is NOT GOOD ENOUGH!  Your statements are useless, especially when I see the devastation on TV and see the images on the web.  To be sure, BP is ultimately responsible for the disaster.  The fact that there were reports of faulty equipment on the offshore rig should have told you not to totally trust BP to resolve the problem.  I will always believe you acted WAY TOO SLOW!!!!  You chose to have your meetings with the experts, wasting precious time.  You should take a lesson from a firefighter.  Firefighters don't call in the arson investigators until the fire is out.  And now....a few disturbing images...BP is public enemy #1!!!!!!  I had tears in my eyes with the last image.
The images remind me of the fact that humans just love screwing things up.  And people wonder why I have more respect for animals....humans are the beasts of the earth.  How can we categorize ourselves as "human" when the consequences of our actions are inhumane?  I digress....


Anonymous said...

Well, all I can say is this...what is going on worldwide shouldn't come as a shock, though I agree it is very disturbing, because the Bible foretold that "mankind cannot direct his own step".

Sara said...

You are is quite disturbing. However, one does not need to read the Bible to know that "mankind cannot direct his own step." Because humans are imperfect, that fact is a given. And when you think about it, it's not much of a prophecy. It's like going to see a "curandero" or fortune teller and you are told, "You are having problems." Of course you're having a problems. Everyone has problems. How insightful! Yeah, yeah, the Bible said in the last days, there'd be food shortages and earthquakes and great pestilences and lawlessness. When you think about it, that's not a prophecy. Those things were already happening then and they are still happening now.