Monday, August 24, 2009

Ready, Set, Go! Time for Red Raider Football!!!!

For those of you who are Texas Tech alumni or just devoted fans, Red Raider football is about to begin. Did anyone see the new Texas Monthly magazine? Coach Mike Leach made the cover....ooorah!!!
The NFL pre-season is in progress. I'm not looking forward to the new season though. I have retired my Dallas Cowboy cap and will be focusing on other teams. Why? Two words--Jerry Jones. He is the franchise's dark side. He has disappointed me for the third and last time. I was livid when the Cowboys parted ways with Jimmy Johnson. I was livid when he let Emmit Smith go. And recently, I was livid when I heard he let Terrell Owens go. Three strikes and you're out, right? So I have turned my back on Jerry Jones and Company. If anyone should be cut from the team, it should be Tony Romo. That guy can't lead a team if his life depended on it. I don't care if they win the next Super Bowl, they will not have my support as long as a Jones owns the team.

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