Monday, August 17, 2009


I received very sad news today via email. And if you're an animal lover (like me), you will sympathize. My friends' cat passed Saturday morning, August 15th. Corwin was twenty years old, and for a cat, that is a mighty long time. He will missed. The following is an excerpt of the email I received:

"Whatever we've called him, Corey, Win-win, Bin-bin, Winny, Pumpkin-head, he
had such a unique, delightful and robust personality...always so hearty and
tolerant, but mellow and extremely sweet whenever his softer side was called
for. We're sure he was one of the smartest animals who ever graced our
presence. Corwin was unquestionably clever, he outwitted us on many an
occasion, and he decided to maintain control all the way to the end.
Though his health and strength had been on the decline, he could jump up onto
the counter in the blink of an eye. He could also pick up speed enough to
count as running--toward his food bowl whenever we brought him something
tasty. When he finally decided it was time, he waited for a leisurely
Saturday morning, knowing that Cindy, Willa, and I were all at home. We
all had the chance to say goodbye, to kiss him, and to take turns holding him
while he made his turn from this life into the next. We love him just as
we always have and are glad to have called him a member of our family."

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