Monday, August 17, 2009

Money, Money, Money!!

Since my family and friends know I have been looking for work, I was asked the other day what could I do with a degree in History (in my case - an MA in History). After listing the possible professions, I noticed a blog posting on the American Historical Association website ("What Is a History Major Worth?" by Robert Townsend).
The answer, as it turns out, may be a bit more than you think. recently reported that the history majors from the
class of 2006 earned an average of $33,071 (a 4.2 increase over the year
before). That was more than 5 percent above the average for students who majored in the fields of English, sociology, and psychology.

Keep in mind, the preceding stat was from 2006. Things have definitely changed for everyone. The economy has literally made everyone eat more than their share of Humble Pie. People have been reminded of the more important things in life. Therefore, I really appreciated the comment offered by Historyguy:

Of course every student starting studying history as his main subject is
not thinking about money and really historians kind of don’t expect to earn that much to become millionaires, at least where I come from. It is all about passion and knowledge. History is such a beautiful subject to study. With every book or some hidden source in some archive you get to know more and more and more and it never let’s you down in terms of surprise!

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