Monday, August 24, 2009

Ready, Set, Go! Time for Red Raider Football!!!!

For those of you who are Texas Tech alumni or just devoted fans, Red Raider football is about to begin. Did anyone see the new Texas Monthly magazine? Coach Mike Leach made the cover....ooorah!!!
The NFL pre-season is in progress. I'm not looking forward to the new season though. I have retired my Dallas Cowboy cap and will be focusing on other teams. Why? Two words--Jerry Jones. He is the franchise's dark side. He has disappointed me for the third and last time. I was livid when the Cowboys parted ways with Jimmy Johnson. I was livid when he let Emmit Smith go. And recently, I was livid when I heard he let Terrell Owens go. Three strikes and you're out, right? So I have turned my back on Jerry Jones and Company. If anyone should be cut from the team, it should be Tony Romo. That guy can't lead a team if his life depended on it. I don't care if they win the next Super Bowl, they will not have my support as long as a Jones owns the team.

Monday, August 17, 2009


And I don't mean Queen Elizabeth II. Yesterday, Sunday, August 16th, Madonna turned the big 51! If only I could look as good at 40! Hey Madge, keep doing what you do!!! We Iconers love you!!!!


I received very sad news today via email. And if you're an animal lover (like me), you will sympathize. My friends' cat passed Saturday morning, August 15th. Corwin was twenty years old, and for a cat, that is a mighty long time. He will missed. The following is an excerpt of the email I received:

"Whatever we've called him, Corey, Win-win, Bin-bin, Winny, Pumpkin-head, he
had such a unique, delightful and robust personality...always so hearty and
tolerant, but mellow and extremely sweet whenever his softer side was called
for. We're sure he was one of the smartest animals who ever graced our
presence. Corwin was unquestionably clever, he outwitted us on many an
occasion, and he decided to maintain control all the way to the end.
Though his health and strength had been on the decline, he could jump up onto
the counter in the blink of an eye. He could also pick up speed enough to
count as running--toward his food bowl whenever we brought him something
tasty. When he finally decided it was time, he waited for a leisurely
Saturday morning, knowing that Cindy, Willa, and I were all at home. We
all had the chance to say goodbye, to kiss him, and to take turns holding him
while he made his turn from this life into the next. We love him just as
we always have and are glad to have called him a member of our family."

Money, Money, Money!!

Since my family and friends know I have been looking for work, I was asked the other day what could I do with a degree in History (in my case - an MA in History). After listing the possible professions, I noticed a blog posting on the American Historical Association website ("What Is a History Major Worth?" by Robert Townsend).
The answer, as it turns out, may be a bit more than you think. recently reported that the history majors from the
class of 2006 earned an average of $33,071 (a 4.2 increase over the year
before). That was more than 5 percent above the average for students who majored in the fields of English, sociology, and psychology.

Keep in mind, the preceding stat was from 2006. Things have definitely changed for everyone. The economy has literally made everyone eat more than their share of Humble Pie. People have been reminded of the more important things in life. Therefore, I really appreciated the comment offered by Historyguy:

Of course every student starting studying history as his main subject is
not thinking about money and really historians kind of don’t expect to earn that much to become millionaires, at least where I come from. It is all about passion and knowledge. History is such a beautiful subject to study. With every book or some hidden source in some archive you get to know more and more and more and it never let’s you down in terms of surprise!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Missing in Action!!!!

A million and one apologies for not being active for the past few weeks. I guess I'm suffering from Sloth's Disease or something. I feel as though I am slowly vegetating...if that is possible. In all fairness, I have been pounding the Information Superhighway for a J-O-B. For those who know me, you know I am looking for more than job. I'm looking for a career. And more than anything else, I would love to teach History at the collegiate level. Life would be so sweet! But with today's economy and tough job market, I will take a job. I'll be back with more remarks.

P.S. Is there life after college?