Tuesday, November 17, 2009

"She's not retreating, she's reloading."--Palin's father

Wow, this is my second consecutive post! I'm on the roll as it seems. Actually, I was not planning to post anything today, but after watching the Sarah Palin interview on "Oprah," I simply couldn't help myself.
What did I think of Palin after the interview? Seriously, her statement "You don't need a title to make a difference" (though true) was misleading. She wouldn't admit it, but she is clearly hoping to run for president in 2012.
Let's see...what about her other comments?
She maintained that there are "so many inconsistencies" in Levi's story. HA! There are no inconsistencies in Levi's stories. There are only differences between his account and Palin's.
Palin claimed that she was totally confident about performing well as a vice-president because she has such a great support system. She claimed that her husband Todd would have helped with the children and household matters. Hmm, how would Todd be able to help if he is physically absent for months at a time?
The one thing that has been constant in all her interviews, including the interview done today by Oprah, is her adamant refusal to answer the question(s) or provide credible reasons for her actions. For instance, she provided no credible reason why she suddenly quit as governor. She claimed that she didn't feel she could speak her mind about national issues without lawsuits and ethics violations being filed against her. In fact, she accused the Obama camp of sending individuals to start the FOIA requests and the ethics violation charges. Hmm, it has been my experience that when someone worries about such things, there is usually a good reason for it.
And then, there is Katie Couric. Palin complained about the way Couric interviewed her, pushing her too much on issues. Hold the phone Palin! Seriously?! You had just been nominated to be the Vice President of the United States and all you expected was "coffee talk" with a network journalist so you two could compare working mom notes? Seriously?! Are you freakin' kidding me?! You claim women can do anything (and they can) but then bitch that Couric pushed you too much on actual issues--issues you should be able to deal with if you are to be the VP. I'm not a Katie Couric fan, but I found Palin's remarks about her petty and irrelevant. Couric was not running for office....Palin was!
I was glad Oprah asked Palin about the problems that arose from Team McCain. Team McCain dictated what Palin could say, wear, do, and eat, and she was often reprimanded for "going rogue." But Palin took the blame for any problems that arose from her "handling." She said, "At the end of the day, I'm the candidate, and if ever I got sucked into's my fault." Personally, I think the woman is lying through her teeth. I do not believe for one minute that she did not get royally pissed off when Team McCain controlled her every move. They not only insisted on controlling her every move, they threw her under the bus when McCain lost the election. But it's her party and she can deal with it.
Did she impress me? No, not in the very least!
Was there more to her story than what she was willing to reveal? Most definitely yes!
Will she run for the presidency in 2012? Perhaps (it wouldn't surprise me if she did, and this time on her own terms). After all, her father did say, "She's not retreating, she's reloading." Sounds kinda scary! On that note, I leave this timely piece of advice: To be forewarned is to be forearmed!

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