Monday, November 16, 2009

A Few Thoughts on Sports, Religion, & Politics

It has been a while since my last posting and I have finally decided to stop being lazy and publish a new post. After Friday night, I thought this weekend would end up being completely shitty. The Lee Rebels lost their football game. In fact, they forgot to show up altogether. But then, I thought, I have the Red Raider football game to look forward to for Saturday night. NOT! The Red Raiders disappointed me, as they lost to the Oklahoma State Cowboys. Damn! Could the black cloud be more adamant about following me?!
So then, I decided to make some key predictions for NFL Sunday. I predicted that the New Orleans Saints would remain undefeated. Guess what? I was right! They beat the St. Louis Rams, although the Rams gave them a run for their money. I was happy to see Danny Amendola, former Red Raider, play in the game. For the record, Jerry "Asshole" Jones dissed him. What an asshole! Although I would be glad to see the Saints go to the Super Bowl, the Saints will have to play some quality teams in the playoffs. Smack talk and a few runs by Reggie Bush (don't get me wrong; I love Reggie) won't get this team a win in January.
I also predicted the Indianapolis Colts would remain undefeated. Guess what? I was right! They beat the New England Patriots at the very end of the game. And oh what a helluva game it was!!!! Manning & Company erased a 34-21 deficit with less than five minutes left in the game. The Colts walked out of their home stadium with the 35-34 victory that kept them undefeated, put them three games ahead of the archrivals in the fight for home-field advantage in the playoffs, and tied New England's 18-game winning streak from 2003-2004. There's nothing more exciting than watching two great teams on the battlefield. It was as even as it gets--both glamour-boy quarterbacks had their A-game going and both offenses and defenses performed well. It took one very questionable late coaching decision to allow Indianapolis to pull away at the end. When Belichick decided to go for it with 2:08 left in the game and 4th and 2 from his own 28, he was delirious and overly anxious. Brady indicated in the postgame conference that Belichick was only demonstrating his confidence in his offense. Really Tom? Would you have made that decision? Of course you're gonna approve your coach's dumb public. But what does Belichick's decision tell his defense? It tells his defense that he did not trust them enough to play great defense and win the game. After all, the Pats were in the lead. They had the lead for most of the game. They dominated all night. If Belichick would have made the more sensible and logical decision (PUNT THE BALL), all that was required to win was to play great defense. Belichick will remember this night. And once again, the Colts-Pats game was everything it was cracked up to be. Go Colts! But I still love Wes Welker!
The last prediction I made was that the Cowboys from Dallas would defeat the Green Bay Packers. And guess what? I was wrong, wrong, wrong. And I was glad, Glad, GLAD! I thought for sure that they would beat the Packers. C'mon, the Packers haven't been playing all-that-great. But how soon I forgot what I always say: "Anything can happen on any given Sunday." Hell, even the Washington Redskins came away with a W, defeating the Denver Broncos. And today, Green Bay's defense finally played up to its potential, proving me totally wrong. But hey, it was against "Deer-in-the-headlights" Romo. I don't mind. 17-7! Romo played true to form. I guess he'll be getting that haircut now!!! To be sure, it wasn't a glamorous win for the "Cheeseheads," but it might have saved their season after back-to-back demoralizing losses. The Packer offense definitely needs improvement. Congratulations to Dom Capers (defensive coordinator) and the entire defense for saving the Packers' asses.
Enough of sports...
KUDOS to Sir Ian McKellan for his thoughts on gay rights and organized religion. Recently, The Advocate conducted an interview with McKellan, as he was promoting his new film. The actor, who came out more than 20 years ago, says he is disillusioned with organized religion. He said, "I increasingly see organized religion as actually my enemy. They treat me as their enemy. Not all Christians, of course. Not all Jews, not all Muslims. But the leaders...Why should I take the judgment of a declared celibate about my sexual needs? He's basing his judgment on laws that would fit life in the Bronze Age. So if I'm lost to God, organized religion is to blame." Amen Brother!!! Organized religion is the enemy of truth. It is the rust of unused minds. It is the opiate of the masses. I personally believe that the root of the problem is that people form beliefs simply because it is what they are told to believe. Religion is divisive as well. It's no coincidence that religion has often been found at the root of many wars. It is high time for this country to begin taxing religion. We could definitely pay down the national deficit and quit cutting funding for other programs such as education.
Shame, shame, shame on the state of Maine for repealing legislation that extended marriage rights to same-sex couples in a bill passed by the legislature and signed by Governor John Baldacci last spring. The repeal measure passed by a vote of 53% to 47%. Jeers to Maggie Gallagher, president of the National Organization for Marriage, which contributed the majority of the funding for the repeal campaign. She claims that those who object to same-sex marriage do not hate gay people or want to hurt them, further stating that they do not believe gay marriage is a civil right but a civil wrong." How is it a civil wrong? What is the basis for her statement? If it's a religious, have you ever heard of the phrase "separation of church and state"? Once upon a time, interracial relationships were against the law...until it was repealed. Denying same-sex couples the right to marriage is discrimination and a violation of their civil rights...pure and simple! SAY IT AGAIN SAM! Gay rights ARE civil rights!!!!!!!!!!!

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