Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Introducing.....the latest blogger....bienvenidos!

Family and friends have always suggested to me that I should set up my own blog. I always used the excuse, "I just don't have the time." And I didn't. As a grad student, school consumed most of my time...reading, writing, research....reading, writing, research...reading, writing, research...reading, writing, research...get the picture? However, after graduating in May, I can no longer use the excuse. own blog. I'm calling it "Tortillas Quemadas" because life serves us tortillas quemadas ("burned tortillas"). Life isn't easy and it's never claimed to love us or owe us anything. It is up to each and every one of us to make the most of these tortillas. Are we going to make chicken shit or chicken salad? We have the choice. After all, isn't life ultimately about the choices we make? I sincerely hope you enjoy the fat. You may not agree with everything, but hey, that is okay. Periodically, I will include helpful hints, exciting facts, hot juicy gossip, news events, opinions, and thoughts for you to ponder in hopes that you will drop a post. In fact, I encourage it. Meanwhile, enjoy and take what you wish.
I have been pounding the Internet looking for work. Unfortunately, I have experienced nothing but rejection and that isn't good for the morale. My 15-year-old niece reminds me of the reason by saying, "Stupid economy." Seriously, this is a bad time for college grads. After graduation, they are often told, "The world is your oyster." Hmm...the only thing we have at this time is nothing but tuna (if we're lucky). I feel like I'm dressed to the nines with nowhere to go on a Saturday night. Yes, yes the Obama administration is "working on it"...I know, I know. But if things don't turn around by the end of his term, he may end up a one-term president. Then we have North Korea to contend with....scary. Then the Middle East is business as usual. There is so much happening all over the, too...and the majority of the news is covering Jacko freakin' Wacko. Boy we have our priorities straight. The man cannot even go out in dignity. It's a freakin' circus. But then, weren't the last years of his life a spectacle...a freak show? People are naturally drawn to things like that. People are shedding tears and feeling sorry for him because he died a lonely man. Well, there's a reason for that and I will come right out and say it. He was lonely because he knew he could never live the life of a pedophile. Yes....that's right....I just labeled him a pedophile. There...I said it. All the cosmetic surgery could not erase the man he saw in the mirror...a pedophile. Most people claim, "oh...he didn't have a childhood...he was an old soul...he was the modern day Peter Pan." Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better. Who the heck has a perfect childhood? I didn't. Most people I personally know didn't. Our lack of a normal childhood does not drive us to sleep with children (not of our own) because we feel the need "to love them."
Yes, the jury found him "not guilty." I defended him the first time in '93. But when it came up a second time, I begin to have my doubts. What did it for me was the Beshear exclusive interview with Michael where Michael admitted that he slept with young children who were not his own. He did fit the profile of a sexual predator of children. After all, Neverland Ranch makes more sense now. It had lots of things that would attract children: a merry-go-round, animals, games, ice cream. Yes, he was acquitted in the trial, but he reportedly paid millions to the first child, which is not usually done unless there is some basis to the claims. Fact of the matter is if Jackson had been a school janitor or teacher or the ice cream man, he would have done time in the big house. But he got away. Remember, "not guilty" does not mean "innocent." Remember the O. J. Simpson case? He got the best justice money could buy.
When he dangled the little one off the fourth floor balcony, I was floored. If anyone else other than a celebrity would have done that, they would have had his/her child removed at least temporarily by Child Protective Services.
Most people claim that Jackson's legacy will be his music and dancing. Mmm...Perhaps. However, there were some very serious allegations, and that's going to be part of his legacy...the most important part. This part taints everything else. I don't see him as a hero. I just can't.... There are three groups of living organisms my heart goes to: children, the elderly, and animals. Perhaps Michael should have looked closer at the Man in the Mirror...or did he?...explains the drug addiction. Hmm....

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