Friday, July 10, 2009

Hell On Wheels!!!!

Today was hell on wheels! If Lady Luck was on her period, we sure found her. If there was a black cloud in the sky, it sure as hell was following us. We followed Murphy's Law to the letter. Should we have left the house at all today? Perhaps we should have seriously considered staying indoors. First of all, the mortgage company sent us two checks to begin our roofing project. We were one of the many households who experienced hail damage during April. Getting pack to the checks....because of the way they were written, our bank did not want to touch them. We decided to take them to another bank...the bank whose name is on the check to begin with. They did not want to touch them either unless we opened an account with them. Just when we were about to cross the T's and dot the I's, the bank representative noticed an expired driver's license. So we make our way to the DPS office to renew it. We are notified that the DL number has two outstanding tickets. WHAT?! They give us a toll free to call. Nothing! After a while, we left the DPS office frustrated. After some research, the only thing we could find out was that the mysterious outstanding tickets dated back to 1993! It doesn't make sense. This misunderstanding has to be the result of human error. In any case, wish us luck...the good kind anyway.
This day totally illustrates why I decided to call my blog "Tortillas Quemadas." Today, we were served plenty of these tortillas...more than what I would mind. But we remained calm. In the end, I had something to write about. According to William Faulkner, "...the problems of the human heart in conflict with itself...can make good writing because only that is worth writing about, worth the agony and the sweat."

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