Tuesday, November 22, 2011

One Day At A Time....

It's been a few days since Mom's passing.  The funeral services were beautiful.  D and I spent Saturday night at Mom's house, which was...I don't know...awkward I suppose.  I see Mom in every room.  It just doesn't seem like Mom's place anymore.  I can't hear her walking around in the kitchen.  I can't hear her reciting her prayers.  I can't smell her.  Periodically, I imagined her walking into the living room and sitting down in her rocker to talk.  At times, I wanted to cry but decided to snap out of it and remain strong for the others.  D has been a real trooper.  She hurts and see it in her eyes, but she is taking things one day at a time.  In the meantime, I will continue to be by her side and get her through this ordeal.  I miss her mother, too.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Eva Moreno Dominguez, September 2, 1934 - November 17, 2011

D's mom passed yesterday.  I find it difficult to believe she is gone.  For now, it's all about D.

The above photo was taken by me.  I LOVE THIS PHOTO OF EVA. 
I love you Eva.  You were like a mother to me and I miss you dearly.  For now, I will be by your baby girl's side and support her and give her what she needs.  On that you can rest assured.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


I'm back from what seems like a decade-long hiatus.  It wasn't my intention to neglect my blog as long as I did, but as the saying goes, shit happens.

Since August, D's mom celebrated her 77th birthday.  Needless to say, we were elated about that since we weren't sure about a lot of things since her mom's cancer diagnosis back in February.  Her mom is a fighter.  I celebrated (in silence) my 43rd birthday on October 3rd.  No big deal.  It's just another day in the life as I see it.  I know age is nothing more than a number, but for me personally, it's a reminder of how many years I have lived on this earth and I have yet to accomplish goals I had set on my "Goals" list.  I guess it's true what they say, there never seems to be enough time or time waits for no one or time flies by.  I am reminded of what John Lennon sang in his song:  Life happens when you're busy making other plans.  So true!  I know we all have more control over our lives than we care to admit, but I'm still saddened to think that I may not accomplish everything I had set out to accomplish.  I've already lived half of my life.  Another 43 years and I will be 86.  OMFG!!!!!  I will be 86 years old and that's if I live that long anyway since we are not guaranteed the next hour, or minute, or second.  Change the channel!!!!

Politics is more of the same.  I'm not totally happy with Obama, but I certainly would never consider voting for a Republican, especially the loser candidates who think they have what it takes to be the leader of the free world (and I use the term "free" loosely).  

In the world of entertainment, Michael Jackson's doctor was found "guilty" of involuntary manslaughter for Jackson's death.  What a bunch of horse shit!  To be sure, the doctor clearly made some bad decisions, but the person ultimately responsible for Jackson's death was Jackson himself.  He was an addict to pain medication.  He knew the risks and yet, he wanted the drugs.  Karma came back to bite him in the ass!

In sports, there is a somewhat related story.  Penn State's head coach Joe Paterno was fired.  Evidently, he knew about the child sexual abuse that had taken place on campus, perpetrated by his former assistant coach, and did not report the incidents (more than one folks) to law enforcement.  Was the Board of Trustees justified in firing Joe Pa?  Absolutely!  However, they need to fire everyone else as well:  McQueary, the then grad student who witnessed the incident.  Needless to say, most of the student body as well as other supporters are angry about the termination of Joe Pa.  They're all crying foul.  I'm not shocked.  But here's why I think this story is somewhat related to the Jackson case.  There are those in my family, as well as D's, that think Joe Pa got what he deserved.  (I agree.)  The problem I have with them crucifying Joe Pa they way they do?  I cannot understand why they are so ready to stone him to death (and let's be clear, Joe Pa's crime was that he knew and did nothing...he did not actually molest these boys) and they do not have the same loathing for what Jackson committed (and Jackson did confess to sleeping with young boys and stated he saw nothing wrong or inappropriate for a man his age to be sleeping with little boys.)  Personally, THEY HAVE NO BUSINESS DISCUSSING THE PENN STATE SITUATION IF THEY CONTINUALLY PROTECT MICHAEL JACKSON.  THEIR ACTIONS OR THEIR THINKING MAKE NO SENSE WHATSOEVER!!!