Sunday, March 13, 2011

A Pig Is Still A Pig!

I read a bumper sticker yesterday morning that left me a bit uneasy. It had a picture of the Confederate flag with the words "Heritage, not hatred." Hmmm.......
Yes, it left me uneasy. I know, I know, to the Southerner, the flag is a symbol of the joys and values of being Southern. To a civil rights activist or an African-American (OR ME), however, the flag will never be an acceptable symbol. An...d why should it be? The bumper sticker mentioned "heritage." Heritage of what? Southern iced tea? Grits? Cotton? That "peculiar institution" known as slavery? Many Southerners continue to subscribe to the idea that the Civil War was fought for states' rights. Ah yes, but states' rights to do WHAT? The question must be asked--and it must be answered--to buy, sell, or trade slaves. Who else would mind the cotton fields or the tobacco fields or the rice paddies? 
I have also heard the Southern argument: "It is my right to display the Confederate flag!" To be sure, you do have that right and I am not denying you that right. But would it be just as okay to display the Nazi flag? Sure, why not? By the same logic, a person should be able to display any flag he/she chooses...regardless. To the Jewish person, however, the Nazi flag or the Swastika will never be an acceptable symbol. 
Either way, both flags are reminders of abuse, hatred, and bigotry. Southerners may consider it to be just a symbol, but it is still entrenched in racism. BOTTOM LINE: YOU CAN DRESS A PIG IN HIGH HEELS AND AN OUTFIT EVEN VERA WANG WOULD ENDORSE, BUT THE PIG WOULD STILL BE A PIG.

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