Sunday, December 6, 2009

Chee-tah, Chee-tah, Pumkin-eatah!!

I am so sick and tired and tired and sick of hearing about Tiger's "transgressions." Who the hell cares?! What happens between Tiger, aka Chee-tah, and his ol lady is exactly that--between Tiger and the wife. Yeah, he made a mistake (and by the looks of it, more than one), but the biggest mistake made was NOT admitting his mistake before others pieced together the embarrassing facts. I guess the golf diva mistakenly thought the rules did not apply to him.
One thing is for sure: athletes are not role models ladies and gents. They are simply models--for everything from sports drinks to running shoes to sportswear to credit cards to razor blades to Buicks to Wheaties. While I do believe that everyone is entitled to privacy, let's be real here. Tiger has been marketing himself since he turned 21 (when he turned pro), essentially becoming a billionaire with endorsement deals Nike, American Express, Titleist, General Motors, and General Mills. While I do believe that everyone, including the rich and famous, is entitled to some level of privacy, I also believe that once he served up the fairy tale wedding to the Swedish beauty and had a family, his value was in family and its values. From then on, he sold his image of decency, filial devotion, and paternal responsibility--not mysterious car crashes. And what of the icing on the cake? I cannot believe he actually left that dreaded voicemail message! I'm not a fan of golf or Tiger Woods, but I had always thought--THOUGHT--that the guy was at least intelligent. I guess now all we have left to look up to is Derek Jeter. Hmf...yeah right! How is your crabs condition Mr. Jeter?

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